In law, the law (from the Latin lex, legis, which means law) is a legal rule. The concept of law is defined in relation to the contract and the treaty (which result from a negotiation between equals (in terms of law)) but also in relation to other sources of law: tradition (habits and customs), case law, fundamental laws (constitution, "grand charter", etc.), and regulations and other written acts of the executive. The law is the work of the legislative power, often embodied by a parliament representing the people. In countries that have retained forms of direct democracy, the law can be passed by all citizens. The law in its broadest sense corresponds to a legal norm, whatever its nature.
Xénophon gives, in the Memorables, a definition of the law according to Pericles: “Any deliberation by virtue of which the assembled people decrees what one should do good or not; what the power which commands in a State order, after having deliberated on it ”. According to the Definitions of the pseudo-Plato, the law is the "political decision of the great number, which is valid without limitation in time". In the First Book of Plato's Laws, the definition given for law is "judgment of reason which is the joint decision of the State. According to Aristotle, the law is "a speech determined by the unanimous consent of the city, indicating how to do everything. Friedrich Engels thinks that the aim of the legislation is to protect the possessor against the one who has nothing. It is only because there are people who have nothing that laws are a necessity
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Laws must be made, said Theophrastus, in view of what happens most often, and not in view of extraordinary events. Legislators, says Theophrastus, ignore what happens only once or twice.
The law is included in the set of rules and standards in a given society. Law is often the generic term for all acts, wherever they are in the hierarchy of standards (constitutional standards, legal in the formal or strict sense, regulatory ...). If the law is not respected by individuals, this can lead to judicial sanctions (criminal or civil).
In terms of its form, a law is a legal action taken by a specific authority, generally, parliament, which is legitimate and has the means to control. A law is made up of a set of signifiers (words): "words are the key, the keys to the law."
In countries where there is a form of separation of powers, the law is a legal standard adopted by the legislature in the forms and procedures prescribed by the constitutional law of the place. Its application can then be specified by a text taken by the executive power, such as an application decree in France or a royal decree in Belgium, and will be further specified by the interpretation which will be made by the courts.
The law is the main source of law in countries with a civil law tradition. Even in common law countries, the law tends to take on special weight. Even if they tend to be confused, the concepts of law and rule of law remain distinct. The rule of law is a tool at the disposal of the lawyer which enables him to render work in conformity with the idea of justice. Any freedom or any right necessarily implies, to be fully exercised, a duty of tolerance and respect, even responsibility. The law is therefore not necessarily a rule of law since by definition it is not necessarily created for the purpose of the ideal of justice